My Heart Relieved - Season 3 Episode 9 : 1,000,000 Trees - Lebanon
A program that gives you the chance to live a social experience with a young man called "Ghaith". Who is roaming countries to meet people in distress and pain; to look for an opportunity to make a difference in their lives.
- Eps. 1 : Good Still Exists2020-04-24
- Eps. 2 : 10,000 Orphans - Jordan2020-04-25
- Eps. 3 : A New Life - Lebanon2020-04-26
- Eps. 4 : 10 Thousand Shilling - Somalia2020-04-27
- Eps. 5 : 8 Notebooks - Iraq2020-04-28
- Eps. 6 : One Loaf - Tunisia2020-04-29
- Eps. 7 : 50 Happiness - Sudan2020-04-30
- Eps. 9 : 1,000,000 Trees - Lebanon2020-05-02
- Eps. 10 : Fifth Floor - Somalia2020-05-03
- Eps. 11 : Retirement Age - Mauritania2020-05-04
- Eps. 12 : One Arab Nation - Jordan2020-05-05
- Eps. 13 : 7 Years - Tunisia2020-05-06
- Eps. 14 : My Three Children - Somalia2020-05-07
- Eps. 15 : 16 Years - Iraq2020-05-08
- Eps. 16 : 1,000 Projects - Sudan2020-05-09
- Eps. 18 : Bread - Somalia2020-05-11
- Eps. 19 : My Second Homeland - Iraq2020-05-12
- Eps. 20 : 3 Cheques - Sudan2020-05-13
- Eps. 22 : 92 Years Old - Lebanon2020-05-15
- Eps. 24 : 11 Months - Jordan2020-05-17
- Eps. 25 : Sunday - Sudan2020-05-18
- Eps. 26 : One Room - Mauritania2020-05-19
- Eps. 27 : Predestined Grace - Somalia2020-05-20
- Eps. 28 : 10 Dinars - Tunisia2020-05-21
- Eps. 29 : Blessings are Coming - Jordan2020-05-22
- Eps. 30 : Do Good and Walk Away - UAE2020-05-23